Flexitarianism…The New Health Movement!

Bowl of black bean soupFlexitarianism…The New Health Movement!

There’s a new food movement in town…and maybe you’ve heard of it! Flexitarianism is a simple way to improve your diet and get many of the health benefits vegetarians can have without giving up meat. Not only is flexitarianism becoming popular with those seeking weight loss and the best wellbeing possible, but also with foodies and cooks across the nation.

So, what exactly is flexitarianism?
According to Dawn Jackson Blatner, a Registered Dietitian and author of The Flexitarian Diet, a flexitarian is a “vegetarian who is flexible enough to eat some meat, poultry, and fish.” This healthy diet focuses on plant foods, which are health protective and can help you live a longer life, weigh less, and have a lower risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

How can I be a flextitarian?
Flexitarianism is an excellent dietary lifestyle because it is much less restrictive than a traditional vegetarian diet. The basic principle behind this diet is to increase your plant food intake while decreasing your meat intake. Blatner states that “The Flexitarian Diet doesn’t judge what you are currently eating; rather, it asks you to include more plant foods and try new things.”

How do I get started?
Including more plant foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds is an excellent start. Also, give tofu (the other white meat – not pork, folks!) and soy meat substitutes a chance! Try add ‘umami’ flavor to your foods. ‘Umami’ is a Japanese word which means savory or meaty. Vegetarian choices which add meaty flavor include truffles, mushrooms, soybeans, potatoes, tomatoes, and aged cheeses as well as many other options.

Other excellent tips to becoming a flexetarian include using fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth, choose low fat dairy and whole grains, and use spices to make your foods taste wonderful without excess salt.

Remember that you don’t have to give meat up, but should try to decrease the number of days you eat meat and/or the amount you eat at each meal. Establishing a ‘Meatless Monday’ with meat-free breakfast, lunch, and dinner options can be a great starting point!

Want more info?
Want to learn more about eating a flexitarian diet? Check out Dawn Jackson Blatner’s book available on Amazon here. It is very well-written and even includes 100 quick and delicious flexitarian recipes.

Other resources – FREE!
If you would like other recipe ideas for healthy vegetarian options, check out websites such as AllRecipes.com or MixingBowl.com for excellent user-submitted recipes. Try using search terms like “vegetarian” or a favorite plant-based ingredient like black beans or zucchini. Users can rate and review each recipe and suggest changes to make each recipe tastier!

Healthy flexitarian eating!

Flexitarianism…The New Health Movement!
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