Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 107: Seasonal Allergies? Try These Foods!

With the highly anticipated arrival of spring come a variety of seasonal allergies that are extremely uncomfortable and cause a lot of disruption in your day to day life.  Allergy  symptoms include runny noses, itchy  red eyes,  congestion and  sneezing.  Usually these kinds of allergies are treated with over-the-counter or prescription drugs, but can certain foods help alleviate allergies and perhaps replace drugs in some cases? Yes they can!
During an allergic reaction, histamine is produced, and it does this by stimulating the inflammatory response of the immune system. By switching to an anti-inflammatory diet, the allergic response can be reduced and kept under control.

During seasonal allergy season, make sure you are eating enough fruits and vegetables that provide your body with all the nutrients and the vitamins you need.  Most of the fruits are rich sources of antioxidants and can also decrease inflammation. Eat a rainbow diet that includes fruits and vegetables of all colors. Each different color gives you a different vitamin and mineral.

Another important nutrient on the list of foods that help with seasonal  allergies is omega 3 fatty acids. This fatty acid has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing the inflammation caused during allergies. Get your omega 3 from salmon, sardines, nuts, flaxseed oil, and canola oil.

Switching to a vegetarian diet may help calm the symptoms of seasonal allergies naturally.  A lacto ovo vegetarian diet incorporates dairy and eggs, but you avoid all meat. Meat contains a lot of arachidonic acids which help to produce leukotrienes during an allergic reaction. Arachidonic acids are also produced by the body and are good for you in moderation, but when too many are present, they can cause health problems. Seasonal allergies are an immune disorder, and so you want to do everything you can to build up your immune system.

In addition, there are other nutrients and foods that are known to be anti-inflammatory.  Quercetin is a natural substance often used to ease symptoms of seasonal allergies. An antioxidant found naturally in tea, onions, apples, and other plant foods, quercetin works as an antihistamine without the side effects usually associated with synthetic seasonal allergies relievers. Quercetin supports immune cells, preventing or reducing their release of histamines.

Vitamin C is making its way to being the star of the allergy treatment list. Vitamin C greatly reduces the amount of histamine produced in the body, but it also helps to break down and get rid of histamines that are released as well as reduces inflammation throughout your body.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, stock up on foods and nutrients that can help alleviate the symptoms of allergies. This way you can enjoy a pleasant and carefree spring without all the unpleasant symptoms of seasonal allergies.

Live life and love it. Eat well.

Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 107: Seasonal Allergies? Try These Foods!

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