Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 17: Nutrition Tips For Your Body Shape


By Nicola Cucuiet* and Sylvia Klinger

It is said that women come in all shapes and sizes, beautiful and charming, mysterious and intriguing, each and every one of them with their particular way of being, bringing together all that is beautiful and magical in the world. But when it comes to body types, there are 3 big ones: pear shaped, apple shaped and hour glass.
Pear shape
The pear shape body type is an extremely feminine figure characterized with a distribution of fat in the lower part of the body: hips thighs and bottom. Some researchers have linked this body type and it’s fat distribution to help provide energy for childbirth and breastfeeding.  When it comes to health benefits pear shapes are fortunate, as it has been proven that this body type, thanks to the distribution on the adipose tissue offer protection against diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
If pear shapes are lucky in the health department, when it comes to weight loss, thing are not so easy. Areas like the hips, thighs and bottom are one of the most reluctant body areas to weight loss.
Here are some tips for  you pear shapes:
You diet has to have variety of vegetables, fruits and complex carbohydrates. Avoid fatty foods, because and fat that is not used by your body will ultimately end up in you hips, thighs and bottom area.
Consume recommended lean proteins like fish, chicken, and turkey, eggs, skim milk, that give your metabolism a boost.
Drink a lot of fluids, to help your body eliminate toxins and rehydrate.
Work out and work out. In order to loose weight, pear shapes have to make exercise an important part of their lives. This together with the right nutrition plan is the only way to reduce those stuburn fat deposits.
Apple shape
When it comes to the apple shape, the fat distribution is localized in the upper part of the body: arms, abdomen, beast area. This is the most responsive body type to diets and weight loss. Upper part fatty deposits are much easier to break down that in the case of lower fat deposits. But this shape has been directly linked to the development of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Apple shapes have a much faster metabolism than pear shapes so the management of weight is relatively easy to achieve, thus helping to cut the risk of diseases in a short amount of time.
Here are some tips for you apple shapes:
Cut deep fried, gravies and fatty foods from your diet. Switch to healthy fats and go easy on the amount of carbs. This body type is prone to high blood sugar. Reduce alcohol intake.  Alcohol, even in small amounts favors fat synthesis, contains high amounts of sugar.
Have a regular exercise program. Weight management is very important for apple shapes.  Loosing just a couple of inches reduces drastically the risk of developing diseases.
Hour glass shapes
Women with hour glass shapes are very lucky. This shape is a combination of pear and apple shape that has no direct link to any diseases. Hour glass shapes will store fat equally, and shed it relatively easy. But don’t take your body shape for granted, because more important that the number of pounds is your health.
Here are some tips for you hourglass shapes:
Create a regular 3 meals per day plan. It is very important to have a tidy eating shedule, to help your body get all the nutrients and vitamins it need, in order to provide you with good health. Also eating frequent and small sized meals keep your metabolism going, thus burning more energy and calories.
Exercise. Besides the benefits it has for you body and your health, exercise is a good way to get rid of all the stress accumulated through out the day. Stress favors the accumulation of fatty deposits in the upper part of the body, making exercise the perfect tool to rid you of your stressed state.
Drink water. Water is very important for every process that takes place in your body. Get used to taking little sips of water throughout the day, don’t wait until you are thirsty, because at that point you body is already dehydrated.

Live life and love it. Eat well.

*Nicola Cucuiet – A Masters degree student in Clinical and Community Nutrition at    University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures, Romania

Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 17: Nutrition Tips For Your Body Shape

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