Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 31: Tips for Dealing with a Snack Attacks

We have made it thru the first month of 2013 – yippee!!  Well, to continue with our journey SAM_0243I have added another topic – learning how to deal with the snack attacks.  I hope you find it helpful 🙂

Is time to think beyond our every day snacks and create fun, nutrition packed snacks that build strong bodies and healthy habits. Snacks can be a nutritious way to make sure you get the energy and nutrients you need to properly fuel your body and to ensure proper growth and development (specially, if you are a child or an adolescent). Snacking can be part of a healthy diet if snacks are chosen correctly. It is another opportunity to incorporate needed food groups into your daily diet.

Taking Action:
Now you have the tools to attack your snacking habits.  Plan your snacks as carefully as you do your meals.  Never leave home without a snack tucked away.

Speedy Snack Ideas:
Bagel or English muffin pizza
Shaker pudding: pour 2 cups of milk into a jar with a lid, add 1 small box instant pudding mix, and shake for one minute
Tortilla roll-ups: roll a tortilla with shredded cheese, microwave until soft, and dip in tomato sauce or salsa
Tomato sauce with low-fat cheese on a mini bagel
Cereal topped with fruit and milk
Low-fat string cheese and crackers
Low-fat fruited yogurt topped with low-fat granola
Cut-up vegetables dipped in low-fat ranch salad dressing
Sunflower seeds or any favorite nut (cashews, almonds, peanuts, etc.)
Low-fat pretzels sticks
Banana pops: Peel a banana, dip it first in yogurt and then crushed breakfast cereal or granola, freeze.
Favorite bread with low-fat cream cheese (For a fun flavor, mix your favorite herb or spice into the cream cheese)
Peanut butter on graham crackers
Fresh fruit
Low-fat string cheese
Breakfast bars
Banana or apple topped with peanut butter
Fruit shake-up: Put 1/2cup low-fat fruit yogurt and 1/2 cup cold fruit juice in an unbreakable, covered container, shake, and pour into a cup.

Fill up with high fiber foods:
Fiber helps fill you up. Fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods such as whole wheat breads and cereals all contain a great deal of fiber.

SMART SNACKS – 100 Calories and Under
½ small cantaloupes or 1 small banana
4 cubes of low fat cheese
1 cup (8 oz.) fat free yogurt
6 large cucumber slices dipped in lime juice
1 frozen fruit juice bar
½ cup wheat cereal with ½ cup skim milk
1 medium orange or 20 grapes
2 cups fat free popcorn sprinkled with chile
10 whole roasted almonds

Live life and love it. Eat well

Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 31: Tips for Dealing with a Snack Attacks

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