Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 60: Spring is in the Air!

IMG_0437By Nicola Cucuiet and Sylvia Klinger

The arrival of spring always manages to sneak up on you…although for some time you can almost start to fell it, making it’s way in your life, filling it with that fresh sent that only spring leaves on your skin in those first few days of the new season. The revival of nature seams to bring back to life everything around you, opening the door to future adventures, loves and experiences that end in long lazy summer days.
Three months have come and gone since entering the new year, and the change that has taken part in your life, has begun to show on your appearance, change that brings you fulfillment and happiness. This is the time to enjoy your health filled and balanced life and start experiencing all that spring has to offer: more fresh fruits, vegetables and a whole new variety of delicious things you can enjoy. Because the transition from the cold season to the warmer season often comes without warning, we are more susceptible to getting sick, so this is when we have to pack all the fruits and veggies we can get our hands on. They are filled with important vitamins and nutrients that can keep you healthy and felling energized and ready to take over the world.
Now is the time when you can celebrate your success and make sure you stay focused and know exactly  what your goals are, because getting overconfident can often lead to failure. Start experimenting with new foods and include more fresh herbs in your diet. Another great  advantage the spring offers you is the warm weather, mixed with swirls of cool winds that make up the perfect weather to start working out outside. Begin with some relaxing strolls and gradually increase your tempo, up to the point of jogging.  You will start feeling more relaxed, an focused on what your desire is for this new year.
This is the perfect time to lighten your meals. Start by grilling lean meat and fish and spend as much time outside, go on picnics, spend time with friends. You can even try grilling your vegetables and eat them as a side dish, thus increasing your daily intake of veggies.  Because there is a grater food variety this month, try cutting back on calorie dense meals. Consume at least 2 fruits per day to satisfy your sweet tooth on the one hand, and to provide your body with important nutrients on the other hand.  Remember to include at least 3 servings of whole grain products like brown rice, pasta, bread, cereals, crackers. Studies have shown the consumption of whole grain product can prevent the development of diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, some types of cancer, and they can be incorporated into a weight management plan. Switch to low fat dairy products, they have the same amount of nutrients, but fewer calories.
Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer.  Geoffrey B. Charlesworth

Live life and love it. Eat well

Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 60: Spring is in the Air!

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