Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 138: How to Tackle Emotional Eating

Woman cutting vegetablesBy Nicola Cucuiet and Sylvia Klinger

Studies have shown that 95% of all women are not satisfied with the way they look. And by this I do not mean their hair, nail and skin health, but the dissatisfaction with their body weight. Weight control has always been a important aspect of every women’s life. We try to control it as much as we can, often resorting to fad diets and starvation, and when faced with failure we often ask ourselves were we went wrong.
The first thing you have to do is stop dieting, start eating and commit to a regular workout plan. There is no easy way out. You need a good dose of determination, motivation and focus in order to obtain the things you wish for. And in order to do so, there are some things that you need to learn. First of all, start understanding and listening to you body. Try to differentiate between the different sensations of hunger. Feeling hungry can be a biological need to eat, triggered by the internal mechanisms of the body: glucose levels, amino acid reserves, hepatic metabolism, signals from the adipose tissues. These are the things that trigger the hunger feeling, in order to ensure that the body gets the nutrients and energy it needs.
The desire to eat is triggered by the sensory mechanism; seeing and smelling certain foods that we like. This is characterized by lust, resulting in an instant gratification. Thus with the help of the nerve system, we can trick our body into feeling hungry when in fact the need for food is absent.
The physiological need to eat is characterized by a lack of nutrients and energy in the body that causes a certain weakness sensation, a lowering in body temperature signals the body, letting you know that you are running on low fuel.
Last but not least, there is the passion for food. Beside the biological and physiological need to eat, comes the love for food. Because of the love for food we can  often find ourselves eating not for the pleasure of the taste of good food, but for the comfort, love and peace it gives us. Food sops being fuel for life and starts being an escape form uncomfortable feelings like anxiety, boredom and even loneliness.
The first step in being the nest success story is learning to be realistic. Before deciding to lose weight, find out what the right motives are, is it for healthy issues of just for wanting to look and feel better. Having a specific goal helps you stay focused and provides you with the required patience to complete this new chapter.
This is the time to start eating. But be wise and diligent.  Instead of depriving you body of the most important nutrients it needs, start incorporating a variety of foods, so you can provide your body with the tools it needs to get healthy and start working with you instead of against you. Be organized and plan your week ahead of time, so that you are prepared for anything.
Learning to save calories is a very useful trick. Go for the light beverages, share calorie dense dishes, go easy on the bread basket and bring home half of those gigantic portions –   keep your foods simple and small. Every calorie saving, adds up in time –  for every 100 calories saved in a day, you get a 3000 calorie saving a month, which will result in a steady weight loss without depriving yourself!
Live life and love it. Eat well.

Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 138: How to Tackle Emotional Eating

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