By Nicola Cucuiet and Sylvia Klinger
The flu is a respiratory viral disease. There are over 200 types of flu causing viruses, and the immunity that you get from one type
of the virus does not protect you form the other 199, so you can develop this disease all year round. There is no treatment against viral diseases , the main focus being the alleviation of the symptoms that consist of: fever, rhinorrhea, cough and sore throat, migraines, joint and muscle soars, sweating, nausea, loss of appetite, etc.
Here are some nutrition tips you can apply while bravely fighting the flu:
Being sick can lead to loss of appetite, loss that has to be exceeded because your body needs all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins it can get in order to help you recover. When you are sick, you calorie intake has to be slightly bigger because the body burns more energy when trying to overcome an infection. Your diet should be based on easy to digest foods to avoid overburdening the digestive system but at the same time assuring the body gets all it needs in order to make a quicker recovery. Chicken soup or any kind of meat soup has proven its worth. Meat contains an aminoacid called cysteine. Studies have shown that cystein helps in reducing flu symptoms. Also consuming the soup warm helps dilute mucus, improve nasal and respiratory congestion not to mention the fact that it prevents dehydration, a common problem in viral diseases.
Your meals have to be small and frequent. Eating small sized and frequent meals make sure that your body gets all the nutrients it needs, giving your metabolism the power it need to heist your recovery. Include in your meals spices like ginger, chilies and garlic.
Ginger is a stimulant and an anti inflammatory herb that relieves nausea, inhibits toxic bacteria while promoting friendly species of bacteria, it has also been shown that ginger is an antipyretic ( lowers fever). Ginger can be consumed fresh or as an infusion.
Chilies contain a compound named capsaicin. The antioxidants that are contained in capsaicin helps to protect the body from the effects of free radicals generated during diseases conditions. Also the spiciness that the chilies poses helps decongestion the sinuses and the nose.
Garlic is the crème de la crème of all spices! The active component in garlic is allicin that has the natural composition of an antibiotic, being the most effective when it comes to fighting infections and strengthening the immune system.
The most important part of a diet when it comes to viral infections is your fluid balance. When being in a diseased states because of fever and sweating, the body is prone to dehydration and electrolyte deficiencies. A minimum of 1/2 gallon (2 litters) of water is required in these conditions.
These being said, take care of your body and remember to get plenty of rest, fluids and high qualities foods and your health will be restored in no time!
Live life and love it. Eat well.
*Nicola Cucuiet – A Masters degree student in Clinical and Community Nutrition at University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures, Romania