Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 14: Ladies, This One’s For You! Reviewing Your Nutritional Needs

By Nicola Cucuiet* and Sylvia Klinger
IMG_4078In the past the word “women” was synonym for everything beautiful, delicate and precious. For us empires were built for us, wares were started, we were praised, loved and adorned but with the passing of time we fought for our wright to be equal. We started wearing pants, working outside of the home, having the wright to vote, thus becoming mans equal acquiring the right to work side by side with them. And in spite of our delicate frames the same pressure was set on our shoulders. The pressure to be good wives, mothers, colleagues, citizens.

So ladies here are some secret tips that help us girls keep going:

Reduces the risk of osteoporosis thanks to it s high concentration of calcium. The presence of vitamin D facilitates its intestinal absorption. Did you now that a glass of milk has the same amount of protein as an egg, but a higher amount of B12 vitamin?
Dark chocolate is knows to reduce PMS syndromes and anxiety thanks to its ability to produce endorphins. The release of endorphins generated by chocolate, likely explains the comforting feelings that many people associate with this food and the craving for chocolate in times of stress. But remember ladies…moderation is KEY! Did you know that a dark chocolate bar contains more calcium, protein and B2 vitamin than a banana or an orange?

Blueberries offer many noteworthy nutritional benefits. One serving provides you with 14 mg of vitamin C, which represents 20% of your daily vitamin C need. They are rich in iron, potassium and sodium, and are a trusty ally against urinary infections. Blueberries contain antioxidants that work to neutralize free radicals. Did you know that blueberries get their intense blue color from anthocyanins, substances that can reduce the risk of heart disease.

By reducing blood coagulation, mackerel eliminates the deposition of cholesterol. This is a very important benefit for women who suffer from heart diseases –  Mackerel has been known to prevent cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the immune system and regulates metabolism. Did you know that mackerel helps in ameliorating the symptoms of migraines, arthrosis and arthritis.

Soy products:
Soy contains phytoestrogens, that are estrogen like chemical found in the plant, chemicals known to have a protective role against cardiovascular diseases and breast cancer. Including soy and soy products also offers an alternative to hormone replacement. Did you know that soy is the only widely available protein plant source that is considered a complete source of protein, comparable in protein quality to meat, milk and eggs.

Live life and love it. Eat well.

*Nicola Cucuiet – A Masters degree Student in Clinical and Community Nutrition at University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures, Romania

Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 14: Ladies, This One’s For You! Reviewing Your Nutritional Needs

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