Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 27: Need to Detox Your Body?

IMG_0371By Nicola Cucuiet* and Sylvia klinger

Every day our body is exposed to a number of toxins, free radicals, pollutions, stress…etc. All these toxin exposure has an effect on the body. While most of the detox products today are over rated; highly nutritious food are still your best detox.  To get you started let us show you how detox cleansing foods come in play. These food rejuvenate and revitalize the body, leaving you felling energized and restoring the body’s natural balance. Here is how to start an inexpensive detox plan:
Get ready to detox
First step in starting a detox diet is to drink plenty of water during the day (about 8 oz every hour during the day).  Also, is important to rest –  7 to 8 hours will help your body get the necessary rest to function properly during the day. Stock up on vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, etc. – plenty of natural foods. Fruits and vegetables are usually digested quickly and act like a cleanser to the body, helping your metabolism to reset and restart. In this period try to avoid foods that are difficult to digest such as fatty foods.
To help your body boost it’s energy levels and strengthen the immune system, physical exercise is the perfect way to strengthen your body, facilitate the elimination of toxins and eliminate stress. This step is all about giving your body a fresh pair of batteries.  Schedule relaxing massages, use scented oils and give yourself a totally relaxing and  rejuvenating experience.
Stick to it!
In order to maintain the benefits of a detox program, integrate the good habits of the detox program in to you day to day life. Continue working out, eating balanced healthy meals at regular times and relaxing to create the perfect balance between body and soul and promote health and well being.

Include in your diet these detox foods:
Cabbage:  cabbage stimulates the production of digestive enzymes , and it has a cholesterol lowering action. Cabbage is also a good source of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. This vegetable contain antioxidants that are known to help protect against breast, colon and prostate cancer.

Asparagus:  asparagus is high in fiber, accelerating the intestinal tract . It is a rich source of folate, potasium, phosphorus, manganese and acts like a natural laxative aiding in detoxification and cleansing. Asparagus has antifungal properties thanks to the content of inulin.

Pineapple: pineapple is an important fruit for promoting good health. It contains bromelain, an enzyme the facilitates the digestion of proteins. Pineapples are high in vitamin C and because of the bromelain, have an anti inflammatory property.

Artichoke: Artichokes are higher in antioxidants that many other vegetables,
facilitating the elimination of toxins. This vegetable helps in the digestion process, has diuretic properties and grate benefits for the liver.

Cherries:  Cherries are natural diuretics, and are rich in potasium, iron, beta-carotene and sorbitol. Cherries are low in calories but high in nutrients and antioxidants that help the body fight against antioxidants.

Live life and love it. Eat well.

* Nicola Cucuiet – A Masters Degree Student in Clinical and Community Nutrition at University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures, Romania

Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 27: Need to Detox Your Body?

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