Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 28: Important Reminders to Keep You Going the Distance

IMG_0364 By Nicola Cucuiet and Sylvia Klinger

By now you probably looking for someone to come to your house and cook your healthy meals everyday so you don’t have to worry about counting calories or experimenting with less fat, salt or sugar.  Well, hold that call!  Here are some tips to keep our minds on our goals and help you stay motivated and focused:

Portion control
Instead of eliminating the things you like from your diet, causing you endless days of cravings and frustration,  include the things you like in your diet, keeping in mind that the key is the amount you consume. By limiting the amount you eat you can still have your cake and eat it…literally.
Enjoy your food
Being on a diet means more than the same menu every day. Try something different every day.  Eat what you like just make healthy substitutions. This will keep your interest levels high, and prevent you from eating the unhealthy and calorie filled version of what you like.
Background check
In order to stay motivated and committed to losing weight or getting in shape, you have to dig deep and really find the issues about you image, appearance, nutrition and health that you would want to change, and what are the clear reasons for that change. Knowing what you are fighting for helps you stay in the game.

More tips tomorrow 🙂

Enjoy life and love it. Eat well.

* Nicola Cucuiet – Masters Degree Student in Clinical and Community Nutrition at University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures, Romania

Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 28: Important Reminders to Keep You Going the Distance

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