Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 36: ReinvigorateYourself in February

SAM_0241By Nicola Cucuiet and Sylvia Klinger

We welcome the second month of the year, fully energized, reinvigorated and proud of the progress made. This month it is all about staying motivated and dedicated. The passing of January gets us one step closer to revealing our new life, our body, our triumph, and the commitment to a healthy and fulfilled life.
In order to keep your mind on your goals, the first thing you need to do, is to learn to relax and eliminate stress. Living a stress filled life leads to stress eating. This does not only make you loose control over what you eat, but converts eating form a grand event that brings families and experiences together into a refuge for stress. Try to make peace with your mind and body, turning them into your allies, and if you manage to find peace and tranquility, your body will find its way to a healthy state. Spend a few minutes each day on yourself, rediscovering your qualities and flaws, learning to embrace them. Learn to love who you are.
Self love is a sign of growth and maturity that paves the way to self trust, allowing you to better interact with those around you. The respect  you bare for yourself shines thru, giving you the confidence needed to better carry yourself and act in different situations. The image you paint of who you are, is the image you let people see. So learn to embrace what you are and who you are and start spreading love all around you.
This month try to think differently, look at yourself from a different angle. Rather than obsessively focusing on your flaws, highlight your qualities and acknowledge the fact that you are wonderful and one of a kind. You can start by changing you relationship with food. Get rid of quick fixes, because they only work for a short time leading eventually to frustration and even guilt. Results can be obtained by eating foods you enjoy and love, if you do it with moderation, keeping in mind portion control. So say yes to favorites, and get rid of all the negatives words from your vocabulary. You only have one life and one body, don’t waste them focusing on things you can’t do or eat! Take a leap of faith and enjoy everything around you.
Create a daily meal plan, and keep in mind that meals are to be consumed in a calm an peaceful environment. Eat slowly, try to focus on what you are doing, enjoy what you are eating! Make these meals, a great opportunities to spend time with friends and family, because food, it is known to nurture the soul, bringing families and friends closes together, around the table, creating magical moments and memories that will last you for a lifetime. So stay motivated, learn to love yourself, and spend moments with loved ones around the table!

Live life and love it. Eat well

Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 36: ReinvigorateYourself in February

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