Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 156: Packing a Healthy Picnic

IMG_0642By Nicola Cucuiet and Sylvia Klinger

Summer is the perfect time to start going to as many picnics as possible! What could be nicer that enjoying a delicious meal, on one of those warm and long summer days, surrounded by the people closest to you? Here are some tips on how you can spice up you picnics with some delicious healthy foods and drink ideas.

Start with Veggies

If you are the type of person that likes to start with an appetizer, then you will enjoy a mix of veggies. This mix can include carrots, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, bell peppers, snap peas or any vegetable you prefer. Prepare a refreshing tzatziki dip and savor this tasty and nutritious snack, without fearing about consuming to many calories.

Smart Sandwiches

Sandwiches are a picnic classic, and an essential part of every outing. Incorporate different kinds of vegetables in your sandwich. For example, try grilled eggplant on a ciabatta bread. All you need is a good, fresh ciabatta bread, some grilled eggplant, a few slices of mozzarella cheese, some roasted peppers, a few slices of onions, hummus for the spread and you have a delicious and nutritious meal.

There are some vegetables you may want to serve alone and not in a sandwich. Tomatoes, cucumbers or other vegetables with a high water content will soak your bread, leaving your sandwiches soggy.

Easy-to-Pack Salads

When going for a picnic, you’ll want foods that are easy to carry and are suitable for the outdoors. Pasta salads are always easy to make, they come in a variety of shapes and can be pretty low in calories but high in nutrients. They are the perfect match for any dish you have, and will add a splash of color and texture, pleasing both the eyes and the body.

Bite-Sized Desserts

When it comes to desserts, anything that can be easily packed up will do. This mean you can pack anything from lemon zest mini bars to delicious and bite size brownies and even mini cookies. The key is to keep the portions tiny. These are good choices because you don’t need plates, you can make them ahead of time, and small sizes help with portion control.

Refreshing Fruit Drinks

Lemonade and picnics seem like a match made in heaven. But if you are tired of the classic lemonade recipe try a new one, like strawberry lemonade or raspberry mint lemonade. The combination of both the strawberries or raspberries give the lemonade a burst of pink color, while giving this classic beverage a more interesting and refreshing taste. For extra sweetness, add some honey or a non-calorie sweetener. Or try homemade iced tea, combined with just about anything you like. Add slices of fruit like apples, oranges or lemons and even some ginger or some mint for a magical, oriental taste.

A picnic is defined as being a pleasant and amusingly carefree experience marked by the presence of good food and amazing company. Take this time to relax, enjoy the food and drinks and share memorable moments with the people you love 🙂

Live life and love it. Eat well.

Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 156: Packing a Healthy Picnic

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