Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 221: Take Time to Relax

By Nicola Cucuiet and Sylvia Klinger

DSCN1674Nowadays the world seems to move at a different and faster pace than in past years. Everybody seems to run around all day long from one place to another, trying to finish the tasks of the day as efficiently and as fast as possible. At times, most of us get so absorbed by the demands of a busy world, we become exhausted and worn out. Although time is priceless and never sufficient, it is important to allow yourself time to relax, unwind and recharge your batteries.

Eat well — and don’t skip breakfast!

A well balanced diet will provide you with the energy you need to deal with the stress of a busy day. Make sure you have a healthy breakfast, which includes complex carbohydrates, lean protein and a good serving of fruits. If you are the type of person that does not have an appetite in the morning or just chooses to skip breakfast, think again! As its name suggests, the first meal of the day is designed to break the fast your body went through during the night, and re-charge your body with all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs in order to replenish its energy levels. For the rest of your meals, choose lean meats like skinless chicken, lean beef and turkey, low fat dairy products and various servings of vegetables and fruits.  Another thing you should be careful about is the amount of coffee you consume. One or two cups allow you to enjoy all the benefits coffee offers, but anything higher than two cups can actually dehydrate you, thus lowering your energy levels.

Take a break

When finding yourself overwhelmed either at your job or at home, take some time off for yourself.  Allowing yourself a thirty minute or an hour break every day can really make a difference to your energy levels. Take this time and do something that makes you feel happy. Go for a walk in the park, get a manicure or even a massage. Taking a break from work allows you to unwind and return more focused, clearheaded and refreshed, giving you the chance to be more efficient at your job and handle projects easily. There is nothing wrong in pampering yourself once in a while, or even every day! You are worth it!

Breathe deeply

Studies have shown that people dealing with stressful environments can relax and lower their stress levels with the help of deep breathing exercises. When feeling overwhelmed or stressed, try inhaling and exhaling ten times. This will help oxygenate your brain thus reducing excessive anxiety levels. Deep breathing helps you relax and bring you clarity that will help you continue to perform at your best.

In the fast-paced world we live in, it is important to take care of yourself and take time off to pamper you body as well as your mind in order to handle the stress of the world with grace and fearlessness.

Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 221: Take Time to Relax

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