Operation Shrink Your Body- Day 217: Nutrition Tips for August :)

IMG_2841By Nicola Cucuiet and Sylvia Klinger

Hard to believe and accept, but August slowly marks the end of summer, a time when you can reap the fruits of your hard work one more time. This time around will find you feeling more rejuvenated and healthier than ever.  August, besides being the bearer of bad news (that of summer coming to an end ), brings  with it a variety of delicious  fruits and vegetables that have to honor you table this month.


The avocado fruit is one super fruit, which packs a bundle of high nutrition. It is high in fiber, vitamins and healthy fats like omega 3 essential fatty acids. Studies have shown that a diet high in essential fatty acids, can help prevent the development of diseases like Alzheimer, heart disease and macular degeneration. Avocados also contain high doses of vitamin E, that can neutralize the negative effects of free radicals. Incorporate this nutrition power house in salads, on the grill, as a dip or add your favorite seasoning and spread on a piece of fresh bread.


Apricots are delicious fruit with an abundance of nutritional benefits. First of all, apricots are low in calories and high in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Fresh apricots contain high levels of vitamin C, a natural antioxidant.  They are also a good source of minerals like iron, zinc, calcium and manganese.  These fruits are delicious eaten raw, in a fruit salad or included in delicious desserts and smoothies.

Bell peppers

Bell peppers are very similar to chili peppers. In fact bell peppers come from the same family as chili peppers, they even have the same health benefits, but they lack the fiery hotness of their relatives.  These sweet peppers are an important source of dietary fiber. They are low in calories and contain capsaicin, a compound that has ati-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic and anti- diabetic properties. Bell peppers are the perfect substitute for a low calorie snack. You can use them for dipping  and it will help you consume more veggies!  ANy dip will work – here are some of my favorites:  hummus,  eggplant dip, bean dip, salsa or even tzatziki sauce.


Cherries are one of the most anticipated summer fruits, understandable as they are full of health promoting nutrients not to mention antioxidants. Cherries are very low in calories but contain important nutrients and vitamins. Studies have shown that the pigment contained in cherries that give these lovely fruits their lovely, vivacious color, has anti-inflammatory proprieties. Cherries contain good levels of zinc, iron, potassium and manganese.


Beets are important in a diet because they contain a phytochemical compound called glycine betaine. This compound is known for its role in lowering the levels of certain toxins , protecting against coronary diseases, lowering cholesterol and promoting all around good health. Beets are also rich in B complex vitamins and minerals such as iron, manganese, copper and magnesium. When cooking beets, try grilling them. This will bring out all of the sweetness of this vegetable. Crumble some feta cheese or add them to a smoothie.

Live life and love it. Eat well.

Operation Shrink Your Body- Day 217: Nutrition Tips for August 🙂

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