The Power of Beans

by Araceli Maldonado, Dietetic Intern and sylvia Klinger, DBA, MS, RDN Beans have been a staple food in Latin America for thousands of years. Beans have many nutrients including protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, and potassium. It’s no wonder you’ll find
Sorghum: Why you need to try this amazing grain Post SavingPreviewPublish93/100▲ Add title To say that I have fallen in love with sorghum is an understatement! This grain has it all – beauty, nutrition, and flavor. Keep reading to learn about
Sabrosas recetas saludables de familia

Sabrosas Albóndigas Ingredientes para las albóndigas 1 taza de polvo de pan (sazonado con especias Italianas o sin sabor) ¾ taza de queso Parmesano, rayado ½ taza de leche sin grasa ½ taza de perejil fresco o 2 cucharadas seco
For the Love of Fruits and Veggies

When people ask me about my top nutrition message, I immediately go to eating more fruits and veggies every day. The combination of different foods is what makes a meal well balanced, but fruits and veggies both organic or conventional
How to Make a Delicious and Healthy Hungarian Goulash

While in Budapest, a group of dietitians ventured into a Hungarian cooking class. To my delight it was so much fun and very simple. My husband who came with me to Budapest, truly enjoyed the Goulash and asked me to
Understanding the Benefits of Avocados and Lutein

As a mother and register dietitian, I am always looking for ways to help other moms/families feed their families healthy foods with ease and enjoyment. I love finding foods with significant health benefits and avocados is one of those foods
Simple Ways to Reduce Food Waste

By Catherine Krolak – Dietetic Intern This year’s National Nutrition Month Theme is “Go Further with Food”. I hope that during this month the Academy and health professionals can inspire others to spread the word that food waste is an
Berry-liscious Açai Bowl

Have you heard about Açaí bowls? They’re the new foodie trend. Looking at it from a stranger’s perspective there seems nothing to be excited about. It looks like an ordinary bowl of blended fruits or a frozen berry smoothie–that you strangely eat
Is the Elimination of Sugar the Cure to the Health Problems of the Nation?

Hispanic Food Communications founder Sylvia Meléndez Klinger discusses the facts about sugar on Huffington Post.
Coming soon!
Updates will be coming soon to this blog! Keep an eye out for recipes, country cuisine profiles, nutrition tips and more!